Injectables Ovine and caprine: Bacterial pneumonia, Bovine: Foot infections, Bacterial pneumonia, Omphalitis. Active Substances Each ml contains: Sulfamethoxypiridazine 20 g, Excipient to 100 ml.  Description Ovine and caprine: Bacterial pneumonia, Bovine: Foot infections, Bacterial pneumonia, Omphalitis. Colibacillosis, Pasteurellosis. Swine: Bacterial pneumonia, Colibacillosis, Atrophic rhinitis, Haemorrhagic septicaemia. Equine: Metritis, Bacterial pneumonia. Infections produced by the following… Continue reading SULFANEXT 20


Injectables A combination of different active ingredients. Active Substances Sulfamethoxypyridazine sodium 10 g, Trimethoprim 2 g, Lincomycin (HCl) 2,7 g, Spectinomycin(sulphate) 5,4 g, Bromhexine 230 mg, Guaiacol glyceryl ether 5 g, Eucalyptol 1 g, Chlorpheniramine maleate 300 mg, Dexamethasone sodium phosphate 20 mg, Ephedrine HCl 500 mg, Excipient to 100 ml. Description A combination of… Continue reading SULFANEXT 10 STL


Injectables Acts synergistic. Active Substances Each ml contains: Spectinomycin (as spectinomycin sulfate) 100 mg; Lincomycin (as lincomycin hydrochloride) 50 mg; Benzyl alcohol 9 mg; Excipient to 1 ml Description Acts synergistic. Lincomycin has a bacteriostatical mode of action against mainly gram positive bacteria (like Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Str. suis, Str. agalactia, Diplococcus pneumonia, Corynebacterium… Continue reading SPECLINEXT 15


Injectables A bactericidal against penicillin-susceptible microorganisms. Active Substances Powder vial: Penicillin G sodium 1.250.000 I.U., Penicillin G procaine 3.750.000 I.U., Dihydrostreptomycin sulphate 3,125 g, Streptomycin sulphate 3,125 g. Solvent vial: Sterile solvent to 25 ml. Description A bactericidal against penicillin-susceptible microorganisms. Streptomycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic with bactericidal activity against both gram negative and some… Continue reading PENCINEXT 5M


Injectables A highly active, broad spectrum tetracycline antibiotic. Active Substances Each ml contains: oxytetracycline (hydrochloride) 100 mg. Description A highly active, broad spectrum tetracycline antibiotic with bacteriostatic activity against a wide variety of gram positive and gram negative organisms. The product is specifically formulated to provide a prolonged action resulting in sustained antibacterial activity. Usage… Continue reading OXYNEXT 10


Injectables A highly active, broad spectrum tetracycline antibiotic. Active Substances Each ml contains: oxytetracycline (hydrochloride) 200 mg Description A highly active, broad spectrum tetracycline antibiotic with bacteriostatic activity against a wide variety of gram positive and gram negative organisms. The product is specifically formulated to provide a prolonged action resulting in sustained antibacterial activity. Usage… Continue reading OXYNEXT 20


Injectables Pneumonia, broncho-pneumonia, intestinal infections. Active Substances Powder vial: Matampicillin sodium 5 g, Cloxacillin sodium 2.5 g, Solvent vial:Sterile solvent to 25 ml. Description Pneumonia, broncho-pneumonia, intestinal infections, mastitis, conjunctivitis, cystitis, endometritis, furunculosis, leptospirosis, osteomyelitis, otitis, hemorrhagic septicaemia, cutaneous infections, infected wounds and erysipelas. Usage Target Species Dosage Withdrawal Period What is next? Found the… Continue reading MACLONEXT 7.5


Injectables An antibiotic belonging to the group of amino-glycosides. Active Substances Each ml contains: gentamicin (sulfate) 40 mg Description An antibiotic belonging to the group of amino-glycosides. It has bactericidal activity against gram positive and gram negative bacteria (including: Pseudomonas spp., Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp., Serratia spp., E. coli, Proteus spp., Salmonella spp., Staphylococci). Furthermore… Continue reading GENTANEXT 4


Injectables A semisynthetic, third-generation, broad-spectrum cephalosporin antibiotic, Active Substances Each ml contains: ceftiofur (hydrochloride) 50 mg. Description A semisynthetic, third-generation, broad-spectrum cephalosporin antibiotic, which is administered to cattle and swine for control of bacterial infections of the respiratory tract, with additional action against foot rot and acute metritis in cattle. It has a wide spectrum… Continue reading CEFTINEXT 5