

An imidazothiazole anthelmintic.

Active Substances

Each g contains: Levamisole (HCl) 37,5 mg, Excipient to 1 g.


An imidazothiazole anthelmintic and elicits spastic muscle paralysis in the parasite. Its antinematodal activity is effective against lung and gastro-intestinal nematodes.


Treatment of gastrointestinal and pulmonary nematodiasis produced by nematodes sensible to levamisole, including adult and larval stages.

Cattle and sheep

Gastrointestinal nematodes: Trichostrongylus spp, Cooperia spp, Ostertagia spp (except inhibited larvae), Haemonchus spp, Nematodirus spp, Bunostomum spp., Oesophagostomum spp and Chabertia spp.

Pulmonary nematodes: Protostrongylus spp and Dictyocaulus spp.


Gastrointestinal nematodes: Ascaris suum, Strongyloides ransomi and Oesophagostomum spp.

Pulmonary nematodes: Metastrongylus spp.


Gastrointestinal nematodes: Ascaridia spp., Capillaria spp., Heterakis spp. And Amidostomum spp.

Target Species

cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry.


oral use in drinking water.

Cattle, sheep and pig: 7.5 mg of levamisole/kg bw (equivalent to 2 g of VERMIFOR per 10 kg of bw) in a single dose. Do not exceed the following doses whatever the animal weight is:

  • Cattle: 2.250 mg of levamisole (equivalent to 60 g of VERMINEX).
  • Sheep: 450 mg of levamisole (equivalent to 12 g of VERMINEX).

Pigs > 150 kg bw: administer 350 mg of levamisole (equivalent to 9.33 g of VERMINEX) for every 50 kg that exceeds this weight.

Poultry: 20-25 mg of levamisole/kg of bw (equivalent to 0.53-0.66 g of VERMINEX per each kg of body weight) during 1 day.

Withdrawal Period

Meat and offal: cattle: 14 days; sheep: 14 days; pig: 14 days; poultry: 7 days. Milk: Not authorised for use in animals producing milk for human consumption.

Eggs: Not for use in birds producing or intended to produce eggs for human consumption. Do not use in the 4 weeks prior to the start of laying.

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